Rockbox mail archiveSubject: RE: VM Player debian for rockboxRE: VM Player debian for rockbox
From: RaeNye <raenye_at_netvision.net.il>
Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2006 19:03:04 +0200 >I tried this (and I've tried colinux before), but colinux immediately BSODs on launch for me. >Rather than bat that back and forth in the colinux forums, I'm going to stick to vmware for >the moment (though I'd prefer to use colinux). Colinux only crashed my computer when I compiled a colinux kernel for the first time (BTW, it immediately rebooted without a BSOD. Behold the power of linux! ;-). Just drop any initrd from the kernel initialization line, it works well without it. I also suggest you use a version from http://www.henrynestler.com/ (I'm on 0.7.1-hn11 but any version ought to work). Colinux is building up towards X support, but you can always run an X server on Windows and open a "remote" connection to the colinux env. Loathing cygwin, I use the GPL'ed Xming (http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming). Contact me for my .config if you're stuck. R. Received on 2006-06-04 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |