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Subject: Re: Flyspray and forgotten patches.

Re: Flyspray and forgotten patches.

From: XavierGr <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 22:41:52 +0300

I know the feeling that lamed just described.

Many times in the past some of my patches (not something extremely major)
would sit idle on the tracker for a lot of time. Sometimes I would pester
some of the devs to look at them but after a while I feel a little weird to
annoy or disturb some of you with my work.

In my case I was lucky and Bger has committed most of my big patches.
(Thanks Bger! (and of course all the devs))

On the other hand I can truly understand the developers. They have their own
life, problems and code to work with. Add to that the low CVS activity due
to summer, or the feature freeze (which I am not on the side of ending it)
and it only gets worse.

I, for myself, would certainly like to have CVS access but I am not sure if
I got what it takes to, or if I really deserve it. Having access you can
avoid asking or disturbing devs repeatedly but on the other side it is a
major responsibility as to what you are going to commit in the end.

That's why I believe that you, (main developers) should give CVS access to
those that you think they can handle the responsibility and that they will
be able to help on the process of committing bug fixes, patches and
eventually new features.

Having more active developers is surely an asset on moving Rockbox forward,
though choosing who is able to do it, may be a difficult call..

On 12/07/06, Daniel Stenberg <> wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Jul 2006, Liberman Shachar (Lamed) wrote:
> > I don't know if this is some feeling many contributors share, but I for
> once
> > feel that many of my work, which I always make sure is worthy gets left
> out
> > of the main cvs branch, and not for a good reason but for the reason
> nobody
> > takes the time having a look at it.
> This is how it is and yours are not the only good patches that are still
> pending due to us committers focusing too little on patches or simply just
> not
> having enough time in our lifes. But it is also a matter of us focusing on
> getting a 3.0 out the door so there should be a focus on fixing the
> relevant
> bugs (only).
> Personally, I just haven't had much time for Rockbox for months.
> For anyone without CVS commit access who think you have what it takes to
> get
> it, please speak up and we'll take everyone into consideration. We need
> more
> committers.
> --
> Daniel Stenberg -- --
Received on 2006-07-12

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