Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Flyspray severity settingFlyspray severity setting
From: RaeNye <raenye_at_netvision.net.il>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 12:52:08 +0200 I think we need some kind of guidelines for these. First of all, is there any reason for feature requests and patches to have severity other than normal? Then, for bugs I suggest the following key: (please add more bullets here) * Critical o A (previously working) target cannot be used for audio playback at all o Possible damage to hardware * High o A core feature (e.g., some codec) doesn't work o A nonpredictable action freezes/segfaults but can be avoided (e.g., by using some setting) o Possible damage to data (e.g., filesystem) * Medium o A predictable action freezes/segfaults * Low o Non-core related annoyances o Button assignments * Very Low o Visual glitches My 2 cents, R. P.S. When we're done with these we could deal with priority values and other flyspray settings; IMHO, severity is the least intuitive property. Received on 2006-09-18 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |