Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Sansa (PP502x?) GPIO interrupts in rockbox softwareSansa (PP502x?) GPIO interrupts in rockbox software
From: Antonius Hellmann <antonius.hellmann_at_gmx.de>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 11:08:03 +0200 I evaluated the cop interrupts in the current rockbox software: After enabling the interrupts on the cop (resetting bit7 in the corresponding cpsr) The TIMER1 interrupts correctly lead to a call to irq(). But there are two interesting things: 1. During the measurement period the corresponding COP_INT_STAT does not always show the bit0 set. In fact neither COP_INT_STAT nor COP_HI_INT_STAT is set. But the timings of the irq()-calls correspond to the TIMER1 interrupts. 2. Pushing a key or moving the scroll wheel sets the HI_INT_STAT (and only this register) to 0x40. Received on 2007-05-08 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |