Rockbox mail archiveSubject: [HELP] Button bouncing problem on iaudioX5[HELP] Button bouncing problem on iaudioX5
From: Nicolas GIF (Salokyn) <"Nicolas>
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 19:41:43 +0300 As you know several people have problem with the X5 joystick that is not stable at all. I began to write a patch for button-x5.c file to filter the button status (http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6787) but things are not that easy. The purpose of my filter is to return a button status only if the 3 last keys status get from hardware (kept in an array) are not to spread (max - min < 10). If key status is not validated we can return : 0xFF (as if button was released) or the last valid key status. These two solutions bring issues. Here are examples : - Returning 0xFF : If you are seeking a track by keeping "right" key pushed, Rockbox may think you are pushing right again each time key status is not validated. Several tracks can be skipped that way in very short time. - Returning last_valid : If we really push another button, the filter will keep sending the last key status until the last 3 key status are barely the same. To solve this I think the filter should return the last valid key press and reset the array each time the button is released. That's where I need some help. I'd like to know how to know a key is released in order to reset the array. Received on 2007-09-21 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |