Rockbox mailing lists
- B#8753 Task opened by kousu: Plugging in headphones always unpauses--
- Build-Problems within cygwin
- Building rockbox on OS X (Tiger)
- correcting minor spelling mistakes
- Error building from sources
- gsoc application period extended
- GSOC application question
- gsoc2008 - Organization Application [DRAFT]
- Iriver h340 for sale
- logf over USB
- no more FILES
- Open bugs in Rockbox
- Open patches in Rockbox
- Plugging an Iriver H140 to a braille terminal
- Power Efficiency Tradeoffs
- question about a command in cygwin
- question about correcting a spelling mistake in features.txt
- question about the devcons
- request to have a few patches committed
- Samsung yh920
- Some random gsoc2008 thoughts
- updating the gui for viewports
- We're in gsoc 2008!
- Where are the forums?