Rockbox mailing lists
- DevConWest2008
- discussion of the rb utility at the recent dev con
- jdgordon: r17690 - in trunk/apps: . gui
- kugel at DevCon
- my comments on meeting1
- Open bugs in Rockbox
- Open patches in Rockbox
- question about the menus in rockbox
- question about tracker e mails to the list
- ready to commit conditional viewports... breaks %P and %pb in current .wps'
- Reminder: Our codecs are slow on ARM
- Rockbox devcon shirt sizes!
- Rockbox is GPL v2 *or later*
- Rockbox SDK?
- Rockbox/Android on Freescale i.MX31 based PDA+PMP player.......developers wanted
- Rockbox/Android on Freescale i.MX31 based PDA+PMP, player.......developers wanted
- Thank you Rockbox team!
- WPS Developments (wps artists.. take this as a warning..)