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Subject: Re: suggestion for the steering board

Re: suggestion for the steering board

From: Frank Gevaerts <>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 16:58:12 +0200

On Tue, Jul 01, 2008 at 03:30:29PM +0100, alex wallis wrote:
> Hi list.
> I was just reading about the rb steering board on the wiki even though
> i new about it already, and one issue that hasn't been addressed, and
> yet i think an important one, is that of rotation of members.
> I think that possibly members of the steering board should not be allowed
> to sit twice on the board in consecutive years, as 2 years is a very long
> time especially in rockbox, also if the members of the board were rotated
> this would mean that there were always fresh ideas coming in, and also it

As far as I see it, the board is not really about "fresh ideas coming in",
it's (among other things) about keeping bad ideas out, and I'm not convinced
that rotating changes anything there.

> would avoid the board becoming a kind of dictatorship where you have the
> same members for 5 years continuously. Obviously that situation would not
> be healthy. The americans change there president at a maximum of 8 years

Great example :) Does it help them any ?
Actually there is a real important difference : if you don't like it,
you can go away while actually keeping the software. It has happened
before in free software : if the leader gets in the way can't be removed,
everyone else will leave and start a new project. The other difference
is that the RSB is not a "leader" as such.

> for that reason. So I think a person should be able to sit on the board
> an unlimited number of times, as long as it is not consecutively. but
> there must be rotation to avoid stagnation.

I disagree. If someone does a good job, let him/here keep doing it. If
not, and enough people agree with you, there is this thing called


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Received on 2008-07-01

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