Rockbox mailing lists
- "Contribute" Page
- [PATCH] Building ARM cross compiler on ubuntu 8.10
- A Rockbox commit offer!
- Cowon D2 Manual Build Error
- dave: r18836 - in trunk: [subject truncated]
- dave: r18836 - in trunk: bootloader firmware firmware/export firmware/target/arm firmware/target/arm/as3525 firmware/target/arm/as3525/sansa-e200v2 firmware/target/arm/as3525/sansa-m200v2 firmware/target/arm/tcc77x rbutil/mkamsboot tools
- discussion regarding adding settings (PLEASE add your 2 cents)
- FS#9515 - custom quickscreen... want to commit...
- funman: r18926 - in trunk: bootloader firmware firmware/target/arm/as3525
- get back into rockbox and accessibility
- Hello Developers, I have a job for you
- idea for changing the way speech behaves
- Invitation to Southern California Linux Expo 7x
- jdgordon: r18832 - trunk/apps
- menu reorganising discussion
- Open bugs in Rockbox
- Open patches in Rockbox
- Opinions about scroll padding, FS#9455
- Optimizing to functions for a plugin
- Patch review
- Patch status
- Porting Rockbox WMA Codec back into FFmpeg
- Positive Internet mirror for
- sansa e200 v2? iriver h340 issues, and congrats on rockbox v3.
- Speeding up plugin builds?
- Storage drivers rework
- Tag Cache DB File Format Question
- the sleep timer
- Trouble building with cygwin
- TWiki gone hostile