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Subject: Re: 3.3 release timeline?

Re: 3.3 release timeline?

From: Dominik Riebeling <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2009 17:47:58 +0000

Late catchup, but however ...

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 12:14 PM, Robert
Menes<> wrote:
> The big one is that if we want the Gigabeast to be a supported platform, we need
> to figure out how to get beastpatcher to build correctly under OS X, which is a
> show-stopper right there. I'm having no such luck.

I see a different problem here: several beasts seem to reject the
singleboot nk.bin (you always get to the "restore required" screen)
while dualboot works fine. IMO we need to figure this out first -- or
provide an easy way to create the dualboot image and default to using

 - Dominik
Received on 2009-06-08

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