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Subject: Re: committal of patch

Re: committal of patch

From: Thomas Martitz <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2009 14:27:57 +0200

alex wallis schrieb:
> Hi list.
> I was wondering, is there any chance of getting fs #10311 commited
> please?
> as Its a very small change, but I find it an extremely useful patch as
> it means I can navigate quickly, and if I no something is at one end
> of a list or menu I can tell instantly when I have got to it, without
> having to wait and listen to the speech. Equally I can tell very
> easily if I shoot past what I am looking for.
> If this could be committed providing people don't think its a bad idea
> I would appreciate it as I like this feature.

I too think it should be committed, but as of now, it doesn't provide a
setting and will beep for sighted users too.

Best regards.
Received on 2009-06-14

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