Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Sansa View - weekly updateSansa View - weekly update
From: Robert Keevil <rkeevil_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 21:13:16 -0500 Hi, I've had some success this week (as I'm becoming a little more familiar and comfortable with ARM assembler) in locating the LCD code in the OF bootloader. To my eye it looks like the View writes to its LCD in a fairly similar fashion to the e200v1, using 3 GPIOs to write one bit at a time to the LCD. For the 01.01.06a bootloader: offset - function 0x5CC8 - lcd_init_gpio 0x6278 - lcd_write_reg 0x643C - backlight_on/_off(r1) 0x645C - lcd_send_msg 0x6478 - lcd_send_byte The LCD seems to be hooked up to GPIOH as follows: #define LCD_DATA_OUT_GPIO GPIOH_OUTPUT_VAL #define LCD_DATA_OUT_PIN 4 #define LCD_CLOCK_GPIO GPIOH_OUTPUT_VAL #define LCD_CLOCK_PIN 6 #define LCD_CS_GPIO GPIOH_OUTPUT_VAL #define LCD_CS_PIN 7 but I've not had any luck in getting anything to display after modifying an e200 build (updating the e200 LCD driver as required, changing the DRAMORIG to 0x10f00000 and changing LCD_WIDTH/LCD_HEIGHT). Since it looks so similar to the e200 (at least to me) is it safe to assume that the View is likely to contain another Renesas LCD controller? What is the best way to try and pin-point which model is in use? (The HD66789 in the e200 is limited to 176x220 - the HD66776 and HD66781 are possibilities for 240x320, but they produced several other controllers after those). Since Rockbox code runs after the OF bootloader, how much hardware initialisation is required to get the LCD up and running? On the e200 RB inits the GPIOs and LCD controller again. I would appreciate any tips, advice or insight! Cheers Robert Received on 2009-06-21 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |