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Subject: Re: Replaygain without a setting, and other menu cleaning.

Re: Replaygain without a setting, and other menu cleaning.

From: pondlife <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 12:57:31 +0100

> Yes, and it's quite hard to use (and goes contrary to established
> expectations from the quickscreen) on several targets in a way that can't
> be effectively addressed without changing at least how the screen is
> displayed.

You should find that the seek buttons are adjusting the X axis, and the
wheel the Y axis. I looked at the keymap and it seemed reasonable to me.
Maybe the quickscreen is wrong?

> This is based on the assumption that you're keeping the pitchscreen how it
> is, rather than moving it to lists. You can navigate up and down lists
> fairly quickly on wheel targets, and most non-wheel targets have a page
> up/down as well as accelerated scrolling, so a moderately fine grained
> semitone-based list works for both of these.

How about having a list with 1 OR 3 entries - i.e. rate (always displayed),
pitch and speed (only displayed when timestretch is enabled)? That way I
can leave timestetch enabled all the time, but only use it when I explicitly
want to (with no need to stop the music). Of course, the setting values
would still interact, but this could work as long as the lists offer a high
enough resolution (0.1% for rate, say).

Pitch and rate would need to handle semitones too (I'm not sure how).
Speed and rate would need to support nudge (maybe some kind of
shifted-left/right or up/down?).

Maybe we need both UIs - or maybe one for button targets and one for wheel
targets? (I don't like that idea much, but I like it a lot more than losing
the up/down/left/right pitch screen.)

Received on 2009-06-21

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