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Subject: supported targets : which ones to add

supported targets : which ones to add

From: Frank Gevaerts <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 22:49:03 +0200


Since I've been accused on irc of only sending non-controversial mails,
here's my attempt at a controversial one.

Here are the targets from the "New Platforms Currently Under
Development" section on the TargetStatus page, together with my opinion
on whether they should move on to the supported list:

The following work more or less well:
* Cowon D2
  Installation works well, no write support to NAND, not always well
  integrated touchscreen, SD driver nearly ready. A lot of people seem
  to use it. I think it should be supported.
* Olympus M:Robe 500
  Installation requires a "magic" svg file (but it is easy), starting
  rockbox requires doing some things in the OF. Once running, rockbox
  seems to work fine, with the same touchscreen caveat as the D2. If the
  magic SVG file is not seen as a problem, I think it can be supported.
* Sansa AMS devices (e200v2, m200v4, c200v2, Clip, and Fuze)
  Some of these are very close to working perfectly (fuze, clip, e200?).
  There is talk about data corruption on the sd card. If that is still
  there, we should probably wait until it's fixed and then move them to
* Toshiba Gigabeat S
  I'm not sure about this one. There seem to be three cases here:
  * for some people it works fine
  * some are picky about dualboot vs single boot (i.e. only one of the
    options works, which one depends on the exact player)
  * some people suffer from the OF boot code wiping the data partition
    every now and then
  * for some people, magic is needed before the bootloader manages to
    find rockbox.gigabeat (special mkfs.vfat options, booting the OF
    once, ...). It's possible to lose lots of time with this.
  I think that if we call it supported, there should be lots of

I don't have enough informsation about these, so I won't say anything:
* Philips GoGear HDD16X0/18X0
* Philips GoGear HDD63X0
* Philips GoGear SA9200
* Samsung YH82X/YH92X

The following are definitely not ready. Most don't even run a full build
* Cowon iAudio 7
* Creative ZVM
* Onda VX747(+)/VX777
* Onda VX767
* Sansa m200 v1/v2/v3
* Tatung Elio TPJ-1022
* Sansa c100
* Logik Dax 1GB DAB/MP3 player
* Meizu M6


"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it." - Brian W. Kernighan
Received on 2009-07-14

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