Rockbox mail archiveSubject: setting up linux for compiling rockbox.setting up linux for compiling rockbox.
From: alex wallis <alexwallis646_at_googlemail.com>
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2009 15:35:30 -0000 Hi list. I am not sure if anyone will remember, but some weeks ago I e mailed the list about the possibility of setting up an accessible vmware system for compiling rockbox, to allow those who wish to to get away from having to fight with cygwin. At the time I suggested using an accessible version of linux called vinux that comes prepackaged for screen reader support. Recently, the people who develop vinux released a totally command line version with no gui, which essentially contains no packages other than bash and the screen reader. This sounds ideal for rockbox development. I downloaded it, installed vmware workstation 7, and installed this cli edition of vinux into the virtual machine. However this is wear I have some questions. I tried to install the packages needed for rockbox development, however the apt-get install command could not find well over half of them, I assume this is because I need to add some repositories that are not currently in its list, could someone please be kind enough to tell me what those are? my next question relates to svn checkout of the trunk. What I would like to do is the following, I want to create a folder on my computer called rockbox, and then share that between the host and guest OS. I would like the checkout to place the trunk in that folder so that it is not stored on the virtual machines hard disc. I have successfully been able to install vmware tools into the virtual machine and enabled folder sharing in its settings, and I have also created a folder called rockbox and I believe I have shared it between my host and guest OS. because when I entered the command /mnt/hgfs/ I was placed into that folder. However when I did an svn checkout while in that folder, the trunk was checked out, but it was placed on the virtual machines hard disc, not something I would like firstly because the machines disc is only 10 gb, and if I am planning to make this virtual machine available to the community, I guess it should not include an svn checkout. Of course it goes without saying that I would also like to place my build folder outside the virtual machine so that it is not built on its hard disc either. I would really appreciate any help with the above issues, as then I guess once I have resolved them we can work out where to host the machine. Of course I will obtain permission from the developer before we make it available, but I believe vinux already uses the new general public license, though I don't know what version, also the guy seems quite friendly so I should think he would be happy to agree to any changes if any that rockbox felt were needed to be compatible with its own licensing. If anyone is interested, the vinux website is www.vinux.org.uk the edition I am using for this virtual machine is the cli dna edition, though I have no idea what the dna stands for. its v 2.1 anyway if anyone is interested, and its debian based. any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Alex. __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature database 4645 (20091128) __________ The message was checked by ESET Smart Security. http://www.eset.com Received on 2009-11-29 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |