Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Re: r24917: again no manual updateRe: r24917: again no manual update
From: Alex Parker <parker.alex.e_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 10:27:08 +0100 > > > WPS tags should NOT be in the manual. > 1) its too bloodu long which scares people away from reading it (yes > its in an appendix but still, seeing 100+ pages is enough to turn > people off) > I disagree, but either way having a half and half mix is the worst possible solution. > 2) its updated too frequently > I don't get this argument at all? Why bother with a manual then? > 3) TeX is a PITA to work in and not everyone has the required tools > Adding to a list is not difficult. At the very least could contributors who can't be bothered to update the manual please create a list of things such as tags they add so that others can update it. > 5) (something about not forcing the manual contributers to learn c) > > A completely fallacious argument. Sure, if I went adding things to the manual that didn't exist in the code then that might apply, but otherwise this is just being silly. Alex Received on 2010-02-26 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |