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Subject: RE: ffmpeg coordination effort!

RE: ffmpeg coordination effort!

From: Mike Giacomelli <>
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 14:52:25 -0700

I've received permission to relicense the split radix parts of the ffmpeg fft and mdct back to BSD license from Loren Merrit. Skimming the file quickly, it would appear that virtually all of the ffmpeg mdct.c has been rewritten from scratch except for the function names and the variable declarations. That can be fixed easily.

Regarding fft-ffmpeg.c, the only code I can see that we still use are the fftN functions, the PASS macro, the TRANSFORM macro and butterflies macros. We have permission for all of these. Theres also some dead code in there for computing the bitrev tables. That can be deleted as soon as stripwax and I figure out whats going on with the bitrev table sizes.

Unless someone else can spot some code in there from ffmpeg thats not by lorenm, I think we should consider dual licensing the fft and imdct to BSD so that our version of Tremor can resume being entirely BSD licensed.


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Received on 2010-03-05

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