Rockbox mailing lists
- Blue_Dude: r25440 - in trunk: apps/keymaps manual/platform manual/rockbox_interface manual/working_with_playlists
- Blue_Dude: r25494 - trunk/apps
- bluebrother: r25527 - in trunk/manual: rockbox_interface working_with_playlists
- Bookmark mod
- feature req / discussion
- file IO in a plugin thread [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- FS#11099 - Rewind before resume
- FS#11232: software mixer
- funman: r25603 - trunk/apps/plugins
- funman: r25622 - trunk/tools
- Google Summer of Code
- GSOC deadline coming up!!
- GSoC Proposal - Clean up the radio code
- GSOC students: make sure you don't miss comments
- GSOC template
- Ladies and Gentlemen...
- LANG_WPS and LANG_FILE_BROWSER for hotkeys
- MAS code cleanup
- Misconception in the "simple list" API
- NoDo or not?
- Open bugs in Rockbox
- Open patches in Rockbox
- Proposal for Bounty to get Linux & Rockbox ported to the iPod Nano 4G and 5G
- r25419: Promote Fuzev2 to unstable
- Recent bookmarks
- Resume playback even if it reached the end and stopped
- Sansa AMS/Fuze v2 unbrick
- settings_list.c code changes for hotkeys are broken!
- Simplifying simple lists
- tcctool and S9
- very sorry commit mistake
- Which players should have LBA48 support?
- WPS playlist viewer exposes a bug in either plaback/buffering or playlist. I'm stumped!
- Zune