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Subject: Re: [RaaA] Weekly status report

Re: [RaaA] Weekly status report

From: Thomas Martitz <>
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 2010 13:39:39 +0200

Hey chaps,

I'm a bit behind now with my report. But that's I've forgotten about it
because I made some very exciting since the last report.

I proceeded with my stripped-down Rockbox, but surprisingly it took me
only a few days to get the basic stuff working on Android. So I switched
to the full application pretty early. Right now I have the port mostly
working. It's usable for playing music even in the background[*].
Navigation through touchscreen interface works but I think it could make
some more use of the hardware buttons each android device provides. It
should also work on <=1.6 Androids. I know I have broken compatibility
in one place, but the docs show a way to get around that, I have that
implemented locally but I think I need someone to test it. All code is
in SVN so everyone who's willing to put a bit of effort to working out
apk building can roll his RaaA version. That said, I guess what's
missing is a script to automate that task (without eclipse).

This is probably my penultimate report before the pencils down date.
I've basically reached all the milestones on my wiki page[1], so I guess
I could say I have completed my project by now. So I wonder if there's
something critical for the GSoC project I've forgotten about? Even if
not, I'll be working on the android port for at least a few weeks (until
GSoC is over anyway), for instance a cabbiev2 port. But nevertheless I
would like you to speak up and remind me if I have indeed forgotten
something critical.

Best regards.

[*]: Some HTC phones, including mine, suffer from a bug in the shipped
OS. They won't get enough CPU time to do background decoding fluently
which makes music playback stutter or even crash, see: There's nothing
I can do about it.
Received on 2010-08-05

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