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Subject: Re: getting in early... the android apk plan?

Re: getting in early... the android apk plan?

From: Jonathan Gordon <>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 11:35:05 +1000

On 11 August 2010 11:26, Mike Giacomelli <> wrote:
>> The other option is not building the into the apk at all
>> but instead download it on first run, or try to load from
>> the sdcard. This allows the user to use whichever build they want, it
>> means it can be integrated into the build system more simply, and we
>> only ever need to update the .apk when the java changes (or we use
>> that to try to force users onto the new releases).
>> does this in a mostly
>> working way. It asks if you want to download (which isnt implemented
>> yet) or update if is found in /sdcard/rockbox on first run
>> (I want to make it check on every resume of the activity for a new
>> but I'm not having any luck restarting the service/rockbox
>> thread).
> This sounds really good to me.  Having the rockbox folder on the SD card saves internal memory and makes it a lot easier to update.  Not to mention its a lot more like on other targets where the music and .rockbox folder are together.

Sorry, maybe I wasnt perfectly clear. Android doesnt let you execute
code from the sdcard so the gets extracted to the internal
storage either way. The code does some magic though so
/sdcard/rockbox/ is used like .rockbox on other targets. just codecs
and plugins and the exe are really in /data/data/org.rockbox/
Received on 2010-08-11

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