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Subject: Re: Commit message post-editing breaks Git

Re: Commit message post-editing breaks Git

From: Dominik Riebeling <>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 23:01:15 +0200

On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 9:36 PM, Frank Gevaerts <> wrote:
> Let's see if we find a procedure that fixes the issue first. If that
> can't be done, I think we should disallow comment changing agauin.

I never liked the idea of changing messages of published commits
(which for svn *is* every commit). There's also another thing I
consider bad when changing commit messages: svn doesn't keep a history
for those changes. Also, did the server send an email for that change
(or did I just miss it?) My main reason for not wanting to change
commit messages however is still the same: it doesn't fix the (social)
problem of prople writing lazy / broken commit messages (and, as I
said before, accidents happen and aren't much of a problem if they are
accidents only and not social issues.)

I'm definitely for not allowing commit messages to get changed and
instead asking people to follow some guidelines (like the ones Daniel
proposed) when writing commit messages.

 - Dominik
Received on 2010-09-20

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