Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Re: Automatic multi-resume feature for podcasts and audiobooks (FS#11748)Re: Automatic multi-resume feature for podcasts and audiobooks (FS#11748)
From: Paul Louden <paulthenerd_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 13:51:09 -0600 On 12/15/2010 1:31 PM, David Hall wrote: > > If the test for inclusion includes "can a user abuse the freedoms > Rockbox grants to do stupid things?" shop might as well be packed up, IMHO. I think though that this isn't quite the same. There's a difference between allowing a user to explicitly do stupid things, and having an automated system for doing stupid things. Basically, what I'm arguing for is that "once playback has started, playback position should progress linearly forward without skipping unless the user presses buttons." There's a difference (to me) between resuming playback when you start a playlist, and then progressing through it from that point on, and attempting to resume every entry in a playlist. Many audiobooks are broken into multiple chapters, and spare resume points left sitting around could impede a listening attempt. I just think that we're basically creating a situation in which playback attempts to control itself rather than waiting on user input to help the least common use case, rather than the most common use case. I may be wrong,but I'm just really having a hard time believing the most common case for a queue of long files is *incomplete* podcasts rather than podcasts a user hasn't listened to yet, or chapters of sequential audio of some sort. As far as I can tell, the only harm from dropping most of the configurability is this one use case, which to me is an edge case, while doing so could (from my perspective) significantly improve the ease of use and decrease the likelihood of Rockbox performing somewhat unexpected behaviour. It would also remove the requirement of identifying which files should be resumed by filters or genre or location. Attempt to resume when starting playback, but not when playback automatically moves between files. I admit it's less flexible, but I feel it's not *much* less flexible. If someone wants to resume one podcast, then resume the next, they just have to play one and when it stops, play the next. Another option might be to offer a "queue and resume" option in the insert menu, so that people can explicitly mark additional songs in a playlist to be resumed (presumably you wouldn't want to insert and resume). I just feel the feature can be in some ways drastically simplified both in terms of options offered (and needing understanding of) and unexpected behaviour without reducing its usefulness significantly to the majority of Rockbox users, and want to move discussion in the direction of "what do we want our goals for this feature to be - what use cases are we trying to address?" Received on 2010-12-15 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |