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Subject: Re: Embedded albumart

Re: Embedded albumart

From: Alex Parker <>
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2011 21:31:01 +0100

On 13/02/11 21:21, David Hall wrote:
> On 02/13/2011 08:51 AM, Magnus Holmgren wrote:
>> On 2011-02-13 11:13, Jonathan Gordon wrote:
>>> for the cost of an extra setting I don't see why this couldn't be made
>>> configurable. Although I agree that it probably makes more sense to
>>> prioritise the embedded AA over folder.jpg (or whatever).
>> But that still wouldn't allow for easy overriding,
> My gut is with Magnus on this one. I might not be understanding the
> other side, but what is the argument for having embedded art trump
> directory art?

Now I'm guessing here that by directory art you meant e.g. folder.jpg,
that is applied to all tracks in the directory, in which case I disagree
with you (for the reasons below). If you meant on the other hand track
art, such as filename.jpg, where there is an individual image file for
each track then I agree with you.

Imagine you have ten songs, one of which has embedded art. For that
song you want to use the embedded image, for the other 9 you want to use
a single other image. If embedded trumps directory, then no problem,
copy a directory image over and it'll work - the one different track
will use embedded, the rest will use folder.jpg.

If the directory art beats embedded however, then if you want anything
other than the same image for all files, then now all files have to have
embedded art as otherwise no matter what else you have the single
folder.jpg will win. Less flexible IMO.

Received on 2011-02-13

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