Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Re: Embedded albumartRe: Embedded albumart
From: David Hall <dmhall_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2011 18:10:14 -0500 I don't see the "confusing" argument as convincing. I can just as easily say "It would be confusing to have placed file album art in with your music and for it not to be displayed because of embedded art you didn't know about." It is all a matter of picking the perspective which backs one's position. The example I see presented here is just another in the infinite list of possibilities. The difference is with my priority order a repair can be made within rockbox, with the other way it can not. Neither address the root cause of confusion and without detailed statistics which will not be gathered there is no way for either side to claim their described case is more likely. Received on 2011-02-14 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |