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Subject: RE: GSoC projects: Relocatable plugins or buflib in core

RE: GSoC projects: Relocatable plugins or buflib in core

From: Mike Giacomelli <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 08:52:48 -0700

> > But I'm also wondering if I should even apply for Rockbox as I can imagine
> > new students are preferred. I already had a project for Rockbox last year
> > and I'm involved for a longer time already.
> > But I'd really be happy to work on Rockbox again, as I really enjoyed it
> > last year. It was great fun for me, and rather successful.
> >
> > Best regards.
> >
> My feeling is that new blood is always preferable than paying current
> devs. If money is the only reason to not code something then I'm not
> sure thats something we would want in the community anyway.

Not everyone can afford to spend 40 hours a week coding for free all summer, and even if they can it may not be the best move for their future career. I don't think its fair to characterize being in GSOC as doing it for the money. For some people the choice is likely to be between working another job or internship and spending free time coding, or working full time on coding. Not to mention in terms of a resume, spending the summer on a google internship looks worlds better then spending the summer at home, even if you do the same work in either case. I'd hate to have someone forced to decide between working on what they want to with us, and working on what will likely get them a job when they graduate.
Received on 2011-03-29

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