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Subject: Re: SUMMARY: FS#10849 - Sleep timer options: persistent duration and start on boot

Re: SUMMARY: FS#10849 - Sleep timer options: persistent duration and start on boot

From: Marcin Bukat <>
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 08:08:10 +0200

I recall I asked some time ago why Time&Date is under System and not
Settings. The answer was that this is self changing parameter while
all others settings in rb are not. Still I think Time&Date belongs to
Settings and anyone is familiar with the fact that time passes away
and you can do nothing about it :-)

The fact that time&date is under settings in every single consumer
device (excluding rockboxed DAPs) I had a chance to fiddle with is
valid point IMO.

My 0.03 PLN
Received on 2011-08-23

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