Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Sansa Clip+ SPI/SSP SupportSansa Clip+ SPI/SSP Support
From: Bohnens Carsten <c.bohnens_at_tu-bs.de>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2013 10:41:27 +0100 Hey, According to the Datasheet linked in the Wiki, the SoC used in the Sansa Clip+ has an SPI/SSP Port. I already checked that its balls are not muxed with any GPIO pins or other peripherals. Has anybody ever tried to map all the pins that are broken out SOMEWHERE on the PCB? Or tried to identify the remaining few ICs on the board? I would be grateful for any additional documentation on the available hardware features. If there is none, I will start probing myself maybe next weekend and see what I can find. Another thought that crossed my mind was using the µSD-pins for SPI, but unfortunately the way I read the datasheet this would mean bit-banging everything. I'm currently looking for a way to interface one of those cheap 2.4Ghz Transcievers from Nordic Semi (http://www.nordicsemi.com/eng/Products/2.4GHz-RF/nRF24L01P) to an ARM system capable of Audio Playback/Recording. My first shot was using an STM32F4-DISCOVERY board, but the open source tools available for on-chip debugging are so far pretty cumbersome to use (wierd stepping when hitting branches), so my eye fell on my trusty Sansa Clip+ I have been using for some years (running Rockbox of course ;) ). If there are other (preferably cheap!) ARM-Based players out there that have SPI accessible in some way, I would be glad for a pointer, too. Thanks for any help! Received on 2013-02-13 Page template was last modified "Tue Sep 7 00:00:02 2021" The Rockbox Crew -- Privacy Policy |