Rockbox mail archiveSubject: Re: Extending the metronome pluginRe: Extending the metronome plugin
From: Thomas Orgis <thomas-forum_at_orgis.org>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 09:11:31 +0200 Am Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:07:29 +0200 schrieb Steph <seumeumeuh_at_yahoo.co.uk>: > and I am not even sure I would have figured out how to install it. I guess one could build it for a released Rockbox version and then just copy over the plugin, but that won't do the integration with the .tempo file type, I guess. What I did was to install the stable Rockbox from the GUI Installer and then replaced the .rockbox folder with one built on my GNU/Linux machine from current sources as described on the Rockbox website. I guess I could provide that .rockbox folder, if you trust random people from the internet with your nephew's audio player's software;-) He'd just have to copy it over to the device via USB. Downside: I'm not sure what happens to selected skins et al. But it's easy to get that back: Just do a backup of .rockbox/. For more guidance, I guess other seasoned Rockbox folks can provide accurate info on how to easily test new plugins. Alrighty then, Thomas
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