AustriaMicrosystemsAS3514Austriamicrosystems is the makers of the AS3514 DAC/codec (among other things), which is used on the Sansa e200 as part of the PP5024 chip and as an external chip in the Sansa C200.The Telephone Call from 18. Jan 2007ChristianGmeiner had a phone call with AustriaMicrosystems and talked about Rockbox, how it is organised and also about the AS3514 to improve the SansaE200Port. They are very interested to help us with our work and for them it is okay that we release our work based on their informations under the GPL. Hope some of you like to travel, because a handful of Rockbox developers are invited to visit their company - hope me too. After the tour we can talk directly with the developers/programmers of the company to get all needed informations and support (Rockbox hacking session in Austria). Maybe you think that you are dreaming... but it is reality They also want Rockbox ported to a player they have - it has a single-chip solution with an arm9 core. They will give us some players and support. So... the company will give us all we need, if we help them to port Rockbox the their single-chip solution - I think that it is this chip (AS3525) if I remember the spoken words correctly. I have told my contact person that I will inform you about this and that I will call him back in a few days. So guys.. what do you think... correct.. Austrian citizen and companies are the best *g*Next Steps
The Telephone Call from 24. Jan 2007ChristianGmeiner had the second telephone call with the company. And here are the results:
The visitWe need to find a date for our meeting. AustriaMicrosystems told me that it would be fine, if we have the meeting in February and that the meeting can took 1-2 days. I have told my contact person that I will recontact him in a week. Their HQ is in Graz, some 200km southwest of Vienna (Wien), Austria. The visit was made on 9th of March and RenePeinthor and I (ChristianGmeiner) went to them...Documents sharingAustriaMicrosystems gave us access to the datasheets for: AS3514, AS3525, AS3531, and AS3534. Kudos to them! They are especially nice for trusting us and not asking to sign Non Disclosure Agreements. Great way to collaborate!r28 - 02 Apr 2021 - 20:46:06 - UnknownUser
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