Bash script (Linux) to automatically decrypt the original firmware (OF) from iriver for dual-booting.
Be sure to change the two variables :
#!/bin/bash h10=/media/H10 fw_orig=H10_Original.mi4 if [[ -x /tmp/mi4code ]]; then rm -fr /tmp/mi4code fi mkdir -p /tmp/mi4code cd /tmp/mi4code if [[ ! -e mi4code.c ]]; then wget http://daniel.haxx.se/sansa/mi4code.c fi gcc -o mi4code mi4code.c -lgcrypt if [[ ! -x $h10/System/$fw_orig ]]; then echo "$h10/System/$fw_orig doesn't exist!" echo "Please be sure that the variable \"fw_orig\" is set to" echo "the right name at the begining of the script." exit fi iriver_fw=grep -i rockbox $h10/System/$fw_orig if [[ "$iriver_fw" != "" ]]; then echo "FAILED - File $h10/System/$fw_orig is present but" echo "it is not orignal Iriver firmware!" echo "Please be sure that $h10/System/$fw_orig" echo "is the original (crypted) firmware" exit else ./mi4code decrypt -s $h10/System/$fw_orig $h10/System/OF.bin fi -- NicolasBigaouette - 07 Mar 2007 r4 - 02 Apr 2021 - 20:46:06 - UnknownUser
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