Starting point for emulator ports
This page lists various game systems and emulators to help with the porting to rockbox.
NOTE: Please include licensing information with these emulators - remember Rockbox is GPL'd.
- PluginInfoNES exists for rockbox and is believed to be licensed under GPLv2
- archopen's aoNES which is based on LJGP32. The files which do have any licensing info are GPLv2+
- - licensed under the GPL
- an emulator exists under the name rockboy
- iBoy from iPodLinux, seems to perform better than rockboy.
Mega Drive/Genesis
- DrMD - no specific license information, but contains an m68k emulator licensed under a "no commercial use" license and hence can't be used with Rockbox.
- DGen - released under a BSD-style license so is portable to Rockbox. Ported to ipodlinux as iGens
General links
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