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Datasheet Errata

Documentation of errors found in component datasheets during rockbox development.

Renesas HD66789R

Table 5 on page 32, NL4..0;

  • The binary numbers in the bottom part are wrong, NL3 should be 1 for all of them. The formula is: GateLines = (NL > 0) ? 8 * (NL + 1) : 0

Corrected table:

NL4 NL3 NL2 NL1 NL0 Display Size Number of lines to drive the LCD Gate lines to be driven
1 1 0 0 0 528 x 200 dots 200 G1~G 200
1 1 0 0 1 528 x 208 dots 208 G1~G 208
1 1 0 1 0 528 x 216 dots 216 G1~G 216
1 1 0 1 1 528 x 224 dots 224 G1~G 224
1 1 1 0 0 528 x 232 dots 232 G1~G 232
1 1 1 0 1 528 x 240 dots 240 G1~G 240

Micronas MAS3587F

MAS3857F pcm codec datasheet

  • Page 3, Framing format says: For playback via serial data input interface, framing information for synchronization is mandatory. However, page 11, Setting up the software for playback mode says: If the input is serial, the data stream should always contain framing information. It's indeed not mandatory, and works pretty well without framing info.

  • Table on page 8, stereo matrix settings:

    • Input and Output labels under 'Function' and 'Name' contradict each other. The ones under 'Name' are the correct ones.
    • OutputVolume LR and OutputVolume RL are swapped.

Corrected table:

Memory address (hex) Function Name
D0:$066c Volume Output Control Left -> Left Gain (reset = 80000hex) OutputVolume LL
D0:$066d Volume Output Control Right -> Left Gain (reset = 0hex) OutputVolume RL
D0:$066e Volume Output Control Left -> Right Gain (reset = 0hex) OutputVolume LR
D0:$066f Volume Output Control Right -> Right Gain (reset = 80000hex) OutputVolume RR
D0:$0670 Volume Input Control Left -> Left Gain (reset = 80000hex) InputVolume LL
D0:$0671 Volume Input Control Right -> Left Gain (reset = 0hex) InputVolume RL
D0:$0672 Volume Input Control Left -> Right Gain (reset = 0hex) InputVolume LR
D0:$0673 Volume Input Control Right -> Right Gain (reset = 80000hex) InputVolume RR

Note 1: Not sure about the Input values - untested so far.

Note 2: While the straight values are 0x80000 after reset (-1.0 in S0.23 fixed point notation), this value should not be used. It seems the PCM codec scales the 16bit input by shifting it 4 bits up, meaning there can be samples with the value 0x80000 in the stream. Fixed-point multiplication of 0x80000 * 0x80000 causes an overflow, because +1.0 can't be expressed as S0.23. Keep abs(straight) + abs(cross) < 1.0 in all cases to avoid distortion.

r3 - 02 Apr 2021 - 20:46:06 - UnknownUser

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