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Index page for the Toshiba Gigabeat F and X Series Rockbox porting effort


Full installation and uninstallation instructions for all supported devices are in the Rockbox manual.


The latest bootloader (FWIMG01.DAT) is dated 21 April 2007. The latest version can be found at

Hardware Information

  • Hardware information on the Gigabeat F and X Series players may be found in GigabeatInfo.
  • Debugging and Flashing the Gigabeat F GigabeatFJTAG.

Known Port Specific Bugs and Missing Plugins

Please avoid adding any items to the list below without consulting with the developers in the Rockbox IRC channel at irc://, or Gigabeat IRC channel at irc://

  • Dual Boot with original firmware

Rockbox Status

Device Status
LCD driver 90%
Font rendering 100%
Backlight 100%
ATA driver 100%
Button driver 100%
ADC driver 100%
Remote button driver (ADC) 100%
USB handler 80%
Power handling 50%
I2C driver 100%
Audio DAC driver 90%

Additional work:

  • Dual Booting is NOT supported.
  • Write low-level code and drivers for the various chips
  • Cradle USBOTG Support (undetermined, but unlikely if will ever be supported)

Remove .SAT Encryption (Optional)

So you're either interested in loading Rockbox on your F/X series Gigabeat or you have already done so. Now you have a library full of .sat files loaded that Rockbox can't read. Here are instructions on how to remove the "encryption." It is suggested that you do this before you load Rockbox, but there are also steps on what to do if you've already taken the jump. (These instructions are from a Windows XP perspective. Please adapt them to whatever OS you are using.)

Pre-Rockbox Installation:

Setup your Gigabeat to connect to a PC in "Windows Media Player" mode.

  • Navigate to the setup menu.
    • There are a few ways of doing this, the easiest being: slide firmly from bottom to the top on the cross.
    • Also, hit the side menu button, scroll down and highlight "Setup," and select.
  • Scroll Down to Connections
  • Select "Windows Media Player 10"

Make sure your AC Adapter and USB cable are connected to your Gigabeat Cradle, and the cradle is switched to USB mode. Now slide the Gigabeat into the cradle and power it up. If everything is set correctly you should see the USB symbol and "USB CONNECTED" "Windows Media Player 10" on the screen of your Gigabeat.

Copy your library to your PC minus the .sat encryption.

  • Open up Windows Explorer, expand My Computer, and you should see a portable device icon labeled "TOSHIBA Gigabeat." Select and expand.
  • Expand the "gigabeat_HardDisk"
  • You should see your folder structure on the Gigabeat. On the left pane, select the Music folder. On the right pane you should see the folders for all of your music.
  • Single left Click one of the folders in the right window pane.
  • At the top of Windows Explorer click the "Edit" menu and choose "Select All."
  • Select the "Edit" menu again and choose "Copy."
  • Create a folder on a harddrive with ample space. (ie. Local Disk (C:) and create a Gigabeat folder)
  • Right click the folder you just created and select "Paste."

Now sit back and relax, your Music library is being copied to your PC without the SAT encryption. This may take a while because it's being copied at USB 1.1 speeds. After all of your music has been copied, navigate back to the folder and notice .mp3 vice .sat files. If everything looks good, you can go back and follow the Rockbox Installation instructions above. Copy your .mp3 library to your Gigabeat and enjoy Rockbox!

If you have Rockbox successfully loaded already, congratulations.

To get your library to a Rockbox playable state, do the following:

  • Connect your Gigabeat to a PC with the USB and AC Adapter minus the cradle for now.
  • Navigate in Windows Explorer to X:\GBSYSTEM\FWIMG (X:\ of course is the drive letter representing your Gigabeat.)
  • Rename the FWIMG01.DAT to FWIMG01.DAT.RBX
  • Rename FWIMG01.DAT.ORIG to FWIMG01.DAT.
  • Switch the battery off and then on again.

Follow the instructions above for removing the ".sat encryption."

Once you're done copying your .mp3 library to your Gigabeat, do the rename sequence in reverse.

  • Navigate in Windows Explorer to X:\GBSYSTEM\FWIMG (X:\ of course is the drive letter representing your Gigabeat.)
  • Rename FWIMG01.DAT to FWIMG01.DAT.ORIG
  • Rename the FWIMG01.DAT.RBX to FWIMG01.DAT
  • Switch the battery off and then on again.

You should boot up back into Rockbox and see/play all of your music.

Improved Boot Time (Optional)

Attached to this page is a set of dummy GBSYSTEM files. With these files you cannot load the original firmware, but startup time for rockbox is reduced by about 2 seconds. FWIMG01.DAT is not included and must be downloaded separately. If you need access to your Gigabeat's drive and cannot load Rockbox, insert the USB cable before you turn on the Gigabeat to enter "Bootloader USB Mode".

Gigabeat Recovery Procedures

If your Gigabeat stalls or cannot boot and your computer doesn't seem to recognize it, try these procedures.


Here's what you will need: (not for the "mechanically/technologically challenged")

  • Phillips Screwdriver (smallest you can find)
  • Place to put tiny screws
  • Soft cloth for cushioning
  • Original Software CD (the GBSYSTEM folder)
  • Patience

This will work and is not as hard as it seems. The risk is minimal as long as you don't remove the front panel.

Ok, here are the steps: (Read all before you start)

  • Go to this site and read up: Gigabeat Surgery
  • Disconnect the AC adapter and switch the battery to OFF.
  • Only open up the BACK of your Gigabeat, leave the front alone, repeat DO NOT REMOVE FRONT! The back slides down a bit, then out - don't force it, you'll bend the metal.
  • GENTLY disconnect the HDD according to instructions on the web site listed above.
  • Connect the USB port on the Gigabeat to the computer.
  • Turn battery ON.
  • Wait for Gigabeat to error and show USB logo on screen.
  • Re-attach the hard drive WITH THE GIGABEAT STILL TURNED ON! (It's a USB drive so it's not risky).
  • Go to the Gigabeat drive in Windows Explorer and copy the GBSYSTEM folder to the device as per the instructions in the Gigabeat manual.
  • Safely disconnect the USB device (as per Windows instructions)
  • Turn battery switch OFF.
  • Put your Gigabeat back together again.
  • Switch battery to ON.
  • Turn Gigabeat on.

That should do it! And what is more after you use the library refresh tool in Gigabeat Room (select Gigabeat not PC in this case) you will have all your music back, too. Or better yet, you can follow the Official Rockbox installation instructions.

Other Pages Of Interest

CategoryFrontpage: Toshiba Gigabeat F and X Series port index [Ports]

r92 - 23 May 2021 - 12:36:43 - UnknownUser

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