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Graphical installation for first time users


This page describes how to install Rockbox using the official graphical installer Rockbox Utility. Rockbox Utility is available for Windows (2000 and up), Linux and Mac OS X. Prerequisites are:
  • a supported audio player (obviously)
  • a download of Rockbox Utility for your PC

Please note: Rockbox Utility looks similar on all supported operating systems. This means all buttons are at the same location, the used icons are identical and so forth. The appearance is depending on the graphical view of your operating system - on Windows it'll use the typical Windows appearance, while on Linux it'll use the settings of your graphical environment (side note: as Rockbox Utility uses Qt 4 this depends on your Qt configuration which might not be identical to your graphical environment). There is no functional difference between the versions for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Minor graphical differences are due to the system it runs on.

Starting Rockbox Utility


First, start Rockbox Utility If you have never used it before you'll get a configuration error. This is normal as you haven't configured Rockbox Utility for your player yet. If you haven't connected your player to the PC do this now. Make sure the player appears on the PC, on Windows it needs to get a drive letter assigned. On Linux and OS X make sure the player is mounted. If the Utility can't find the player is Linux, try running it as root. If you have multiple players please disconnect all but the one you're trying to install.

Configuring Rockbox Utility

The configuration window opens. Press the "Autodetect" button to make Rockbox Utility try to detect your player. If a supported player is found you will get the mountpoint value (Windows: drive letter) set to the correct path (Windows: drive letter) and the detected player will be highlighted in the device selection dialog. Please do not select the player manually unless detecting your player doesn't work (in that case you'll get a dialog telling you so). Some players have similar model names but are in fact completely different hardware (for example, Ipod 2G vs. Ipod Nano 2G, or Sansa e200 vs. Sansa e200v2).

Note: when autodetection doesn't work make sure your player is connected properly and has a drive letter assigned. Also, make sure you have appropriate permissions to access the player. Ipod and Sansa e200 and c200 players require you to have administrator permissions.


If you need to select your player manually (again, please try automatic detection first) you need to choose the correct mountpoint (Windows: drive letter) from the dropdown list and the correct player. The dropdown list will show additional information when expanded to help you to identify the correct player.


If you're behind a proxy you might need to change more settings using the "Proxy" tab. Also, you can configure other functionality now. As this isn't required for installation we don't cover this here.

When finished with configuration close the configuration dialog using the "Ok" button.

Main Window

The main window of Rockbox Utility appears. You can now choose from the tabs on the bottom which action you want to perform. For a first time installation you only need the "Installation" tab.


On the "Installation" tab select the parts of Rockbox you want to install. For a first time install you need at least "Bootloader" and "Rockbox". The "Fonts" package is highly recommended, since additional themes might use the fonts provided with this. When you're done selecting the parts you want (called "packages" in the progress dialog shown later) hit the "Install" button at the bottom. Now the only thing you need to do is wait until the installation finished.


The default version of Rockbox to be installed is the latest release. You can also select to install a development version in the dropdown menu before starting the installation. If your player doesn't have a released version you only get a development version in the dropdown list. If release candidate builds are available they will also show up in that list.

Changing between versions is simple: just perform an installation of the other version on top of the existing one.


After starting the installation process a progress window appears, showing the steps currently done. When installation is finished the "Abort" button on the log window changes to "Ok". Press "Ok" and the log window will close. Safely eject (windows) / unmount (linux / OS X) your player. Installation is now almost finished.

Finishing Installation

Important: after installation you need to reboot your player. Make sure you "safely ejected" your player using your PCs "safely eject" button (unmount on linux / OS X). If you have gotten a dialog box telling you that you need to perform additional steps for bootloader installation do them now. It is important that you now perform these steps as otherwise Rockbox won't boot. Please also refer to the Manual for details.


Congratulations, you've made it! Please check the Manual for further instructions, and before asking for help. You'll more likely get much better help if you search it first. Besides, Rockbox Utility can download and display the manual -- check the "Manual" tab.

r11 - 02 Apr 2021 - 20:46:06 - UnknownUser

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