IFP-7XX Hardware ComponentsIntroductionAll these scans and pictures are taken from an IFP-795 (512mb) unit. If you're interested in any particular component, please let me know soon, before I put the player back together again. (Preferably before 20 March) Apparently, iriver decided that it would save them some fractions of a cent to directly solder the power from the sound board to the main board - I had to break that bit of solder before I could disassemble it fully.ICsImportant ICs
Not-So-Important-looking ICs
Unidentified ICs
ScansSome of the scans are a bit blury, no thanks to the little connectors & battery holders sticking out here and there. I've thus tried to label the parts of the images which are unreadable.
r11 - 02 Apr 2021 - 20:46:06 - UnknownUser
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