LLVM/Clang Static Analyzer
Instructions (Linux)
- Copy llvm/Debug/bin/clang-cc and the following files to the RB build diretory.
"llvm/tools/clang/utils": ccc-analyzer, scan-build, scanview.css, sortable.js
- Because Clang doesn't seem to handle ARM ASM, uncomment all ASM parts in:
firmware/target/arm/system-arm.h firmware/target/arm/system-target.h There are many more places with ASM which stop the parser, but these 2 files get included very often..
- Go to the build directory.
- Add the compiler to the path:
"export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/arm-elf/bin/"
- Configure (select sansa e200):
- Make the dependencies (because Clang can't do that):
"make dep"
- Comment out "export CC=.." in the Makefile (build dir)
- Add the following directory to the "C include path" (for Clang)
"export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/arm-elf/lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.0.3/include/"
- Start the compiler:
"./scan-build --use-cc=/usr/local/arm-elf/bin/arm-elf-gcc make" Report gets saved in /tmp/scan-build-xxx_something
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