How to install LaTeXWindowsCygwinUsing Cygwin has the major advantage that it provides a Unix like environment which the Rockbox build environment assumes to be present. Building the manual on Windows natively should be possible but hasn't been tested.
teTeXThe teTeX distribution is outdated (not maintained anymore since several years, see teTeX homepage), please consider using TeXLive (recommended by the teTeX mainainer). In case you still want to use teTeX: teTeX and teTeX-extras are available as Cygwin packages. You need to install theinputenx package separately:
# put it into the oberdiek folder, that should be present (global installation) cd /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/oberdiek/ # get the package file wget http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek/inputenx.dtx # extract it tex inputenx.dtx # we don't need the file anymore rm inputenx.dtx # rebuild LaTeX' ls-R database mktexlsr TeXLiveTo install TeXLive for building the manual do the following:
MiKTeXMiKTeX is a native Windows distribution and comes with a nice installer. It also supports installing missing packages on the fly with a graphical confirmation dialog. To use MiKTeX in combination with Cygwin:
NativeBuilding the manual natively on Windows hasn't been tested. If you have any experience please update this section.VMWareThe VMWare image is missing only the Unicode support package. Log in as root and run "apt-get install latex-ucs" to install itLinuxLaTeX should be available as packages on all common Linux distributions. Recent distributions have support for unicode. If you use an older distribution you might need to install unicode support manually. You need to have unicode support for LaTeX to build the manual.Arch# pacman -S texlive-core texlive-latexextra texlive-htmlxml Debian / UbuntuIf you are running a recent Debian, Ubuntu or another Debian-based Linux:# apt-get install texlive-latex-base texlive-binaries texlive-latex-extra texlive-plain-generic texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-latex-recommended lmodern
# apt-get install tetex-base tetex-bin tetex-extra latex-ucs tex4ht FedoraInstalltexlive and texlive-multiline . For building the HTML manual additionally install tetex-tex4ht .
Gentoo# emerge tetex latex-unicode Mac OS XMacTeXJust install the MacTeX distribution. More information about TeX and LaTeX on OS X is here.r7 - 26 Aug 2021 - 07:34:14 - MoshePiekarski
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