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Wiki > Main > PluginIndex > PluginDice


The Dice plugin simulates rolling dice. You can select the number of die you want to roll and the number of sides, and a "roll" is simulated. Currently, you configure the number of sides the dice have and how many of them you would like to throw. A button may be used to roll the same combination again. To pick a new configuration the plugin must be exited and started again.


none yet

CategoryPlugin: Roll the dice! [PlayerDONE, RecorderDONE, OndioDONE, H100DONE, H300DONE, H10DONE, iPod 1G2GDONE, iPod 4GDONE, iPod ColorDONE, iPod MiniDONE, iPod NanoDONE, iPod VideoDONE, iAudio M5DONE, iAudio X5DONE, GigabeatDONE, Sansa e200DONE, Sansa c200DONE, Sansa FuzeDONE, MR-100DONE]

r14 - 02 Apr 2021 - 20:46:07 - UnknownUser

Parents: PluginIndex
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