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Sudoku in Rockbox is implemented as both a plugin and a viewer.

When you start Sudoku in plugin mode from the Browse Plugins menu, a random game will be generated automatically, and an estimate of its difficulty (very easy, easy, medium, hard or fiendish) will be displayed on the screen. New games can be generated from the Generate menu option.

You can also use Sudoku as a "viewer" for playing pre-generated Sudoku games. Sudoku games are stored (one game per file) in text files with the .ss extension. You then browse these games using the normal file browser, and open the file to launch Sudoku.

Some pre-generated .ss files can be downloaded from the Simple Sudoku home page. Specifically, the Advanced Puzzle Packs 1 and 2 located near the bottom of that page.

You can also create and save your own grids using the "New" menu option.Press the menu button when you have finished and enter the full path to save to including the .ss extension (e.g. /sudoku/


Function Recorder Ondio iRiver X5 iPod Gigabeat F/X MR-100
Exit plugin Off Power Menu > Quit Power
Increment number under the cursor Play Mode+down (toggle repeat)/Mode (increment one) Select/Play Select Right (Left decrements) Select
Menu F1 Mode (long press) Mode Play Menu
Move the cursor Direction keys Scroll Fwd / Scroll Back Direction keys
Add/remove number to scratchpad F2 Mode+Left Rec Play A Display


* Screenshot on the h1x0 series:

The thing on the left (AKA the scratchpad)

When you play sudoku on paper most people like to mark numbers in cells that are possible candidates for the cells. This can now be done with the column on the left. Change the number under the cursor to a number which might be valid and press the scratchpad button, the number will then be added on the left. The column is stored seperatly for every cell on the board. These are NOT saved when saving the game

Links to .ss files

Simple Sudoku

Kjell's Sudoku generator/solver


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CategoryPlugin: Sudoku game [RecorderDONE, OndioDONE, H10DONE, H100DONE, H300DONE, iPod 1G2GDONE, iPod 4GDONE, iPod ColorDONE, iPod VideoDONE, iPod MiniDONE, iPod NanoDONE, iAudio M5DONE, iAudio X5DONE, GigabeatDONE, Sansa e200DONE, Sansa c200DONE, MR-100DONE]

r27 - 02 Apr 2021 - 20:46:07 - UnknownUser

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