IntroductionQuoting wikipedia: "Rockchip is a series of integrated circuits manufactured by Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Company. These integrated circuits are mainly for applications in mobile entertainment devices such as MP3 players and personal video players."rk260x seriesThis SoC is build around ZSP400 type 16/32-bit DSP clocked up to 80MHz and as such is not suitable target for rockbox. Some documents leaked to internet as well as more or less complete SDK.rk270x seriesThis SoC is build around ARM7EJ-S (ARMv5TE architecture) core with additional ZSP500 DSP coprocessor. There are some preliminary datasheets floating in internet as well as more or less complete SDK for the rockchip firmware. There is no free toolchain for ZSP architecture as far as I know. A port exists to the official rockchip reference design: see: Rockchip27xxPort Main prameters of the SoC are as follows:
rk272x, rk273x seriesDespite the name it is much like rk280x - ARM926EJ-S + ZSP G2 DSP. The boot sequence and SDK share many similarities with rk27xx series however. Many cheap ebook readers are build around this chips.rk280x seriesThis SoC from 2009 is build around ARM926EJ-S core with additional DSP core (ZSP800 probably). Some technical materials leaked to internet. The max frequency is between 350-600 MHz for ARM and 400-550 MHz for DSP (there is big discrepancy in various materials about this chip). It is quite widespread in cheap tablets running android. This line of SoC shares some IP blocks with rk27xx. At least I2C controller, I2S and PWM controllers are the same.rk281xThis is upgrade of the rk280x architecture and introduce GPU to support 3d rendering. Frequency limits are higher as well.rk290xThe Rockchip 29xx, presented for the first time at CES 2011, is a Cortex A8 CPU and can run up to 1.2 Ghz.rk291xThis is high performance SoC based on Cortex A8 core with one NEON coprocessor (around 1GHz upper freq limit). It integrates GPU 2D/3D fully compatible with OpenGL ES2.0, ES1.1 and OpenVG standards, hardware video decoder (H264, H263, RMVB, MPEG2, MPEG4, VC1, AVS, VP8), hardware video encodec for H264, hardware accelerators (encoder/decoder) for JPEG. Other then this the chip integrates common set of peripherals such as nand, sd, ddr ram, i2s, i2c, uart, spi, usb otg, rtc, pwm, adc, lcdc.rknano seriesThis series contains at least two known chips: RKNano-B and RKNano-C. This Rockchip chip has an ARM core at 120MHz, nand, usb slave, mmc/sd support, embedded pmu and audio codec. This chip explicitly targets mp3 players but little is know about it since no datasheet has leaked. See RockChipNanoB.
r17 - 02 Apr 2021 - 20:46:07 - UnknownUser
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