Sony NWZ-E370OverviewThis is the page for the Sony NW-E390 series (NW-E393, NW-E394, NW-E395)Port statusSee SonyNWE390Port.HardwareThe Sony NW-E390 features 9 hardware buttons: power/option, play/pause, left, right, up, down, home/back, volume up and volume down. It also has a hold button. The following chips can be found on the PCB:Recovery ModeOne can reach the recovery mode by powering off the unit and plug the USB cable while holding the back button (make sure hold is not on). Alternatively, plug the USB cable, hold back and press the reset button for at least one or two seconds (and make sure hold button is not on).PCB Scans-- AmauryPouly - 01 Jun 2016
r4 - 02 Apr 2021 - 20:46:07 - UnknownUser
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