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Sony NWZ-E380


This is the page for the Sony NWZ-E380 series (NWZ-E383, NWZ-E384, NWZ-E385).

It appears that the Sony NWZ-E380 is just a Sony NWZ-E370 with different name and firmware so please refer to SonyNWZE370 for hardware information.

Note: the only difference seen in the manufacturer specification is: NWZ-E370 "Compatible with WM-DRM 10", NWZ-E380 "WM-DRM not supported".


Port status

See SonyNWZE370Port.


The Sony NWZ-E380 features 8 hardware buttons: power/hold/option, play/pause, left, right, up, down, home/back, reset. The following chips can be found on the PCB:

Recovery Mode

One can reach the recovery mode by powering off the unit and plug the USB cable while holding the power button. There are two other alternative methods:
  • power on the player (without USB cable plugged), hold power and plug the USB cable while holding power for at least one or two seconds
  • plug the USB cable, hold power and press the reset button while holding power for at least one or two seconds

PCB Scans


Here is a list of all the pins used by the OF. Pins are of form BxPyy where x is the bank and yy the number within the bank. Direction only applies to GPIO.
Pin Dir Comment
B0P10 OUT Backlight gate
B1P{00-7} lcd_d{0-7}  
B1P18 lcd_reset  
B1P19 lcd_rs  
B1P20 lcd_wr  
B1P21 OUT/lcd_cs unclear
B1P28 pwm2 Backlight

-- AmauryPouly - 10 Nov 2013

r6 - 02 Apr 2021 - 20:46:07 - UnknownUser

Parents: SonyNW
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