Sony NWZ-E460 AnalysisOverviewThis page describes what we know about the Sony NWZ-E460 Series.DumpsHere are a few useful pieces of information: In firmware upgrade mode:
utils/nwztools/scripts in the repository.
History (aka Ode to AmauryPouly)The NWZ-E460 was the very first Linux-based Sony player of which I successfully dumped the root filesystem. By removing the SonyNWZE460MMCBoard and hooking it up to a microcontroller, I was able to dump the entire flash. This allowed me to reverse engineer the upgrade and encryption code from the device. I was also able to reverse engineer the SCSI command, the NVP map. After bricking my device 2 times and recovering by rewriting parts of the eMMC using a microcontroller, I was able to create the vert first non-Sony firmware upgrade. -- AmauryPouly - 17 Aug 2016
r3 - 02 Apr 2021 - 20:46:07 - UnknownUser
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