OverviewReplacing or upgrading the 1.8 inch hard drive in older players like the iRiver H1x0 or Gigabeat F series involves one major problem: The PATA drives with 50 pins connector are not manufactured anymore. So, they are rare and expensive. Luckily the never drives with FFC (flat foil cable) aka ZIF (zero insertion force) connector are electrically compatible and therefor can be fit into some of the older players with the help of an adapter board. The main restriction is the available space. While in theory every player works with the adapter/ZIF drive combination, the case might be to small to leave enough space for the adapter.Available adaptersCurrently two commercially available adapters are know. One is the "ADA-HDD-1.8-ZIF-CF" from ES&S Kabel in Germany (http://esskabel.de/Produkte/Anschlussadapter/HDD-1.8-REV1/ADA-HDD-1.8-REV1-haupt.htm#ADA-HDD-1.8-ZIF-CF), the other is the "ZIF to 1.8-inch Bilateral IDE Hard Drive Converter", article number 10887, from dealextreme in Hong Kong (http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.10887). There are mainly two differences between them. One is the form factor, the other is price and availability. The ES&S adapter has its ZIF connector on the upper side with a backside orientation and the dealextreme adapter on the lower side going straight forward. The length of the board is nearly identical, but the ES&S adapter will normally need less space as the drive can be packed more closely with the adapter. So, depending on how the player is built inside, they fit differently and normally one of those will be the better choice. For example in the iRiver H140 the ES&S Kabel adapter fits much better, as the hard drive overlaps a few millimeter of the slim adapter board before stopped by the connector. The same overlapping area with the dealextreme adapter is much higher, as the ZIF connector on the lower side presses the whole PCB upwards. This configuration can hardly fit inside. But it is possible, see further below. But price and availability might still result in the fact that the dealextreme adapter is the better choice for the iRiver H140. Because ES&S Kabel does only send to dealers, you first have to find one that sells this product. Even if you convince them to deliver to you, the adapter is nearly 30 Euros ($40) and postage and packing is 10 Euros ($13). In contrary the dealextreme adapter can easily be ordered world wide for about $4 (3 Euros) with free shipping. Conclusion: If the dealextreme adapter fits by any means, use it. Only as a last resort use the one by ES&S Kabel.
Compatible hard drivesNearly every hard drive with the 40 lines PATA ZIF interface should work. There exist only two form factors: 5mm and 8mm height. So all drives with the same height share the same physical dimensions. And besides the height the 5mm and 8mm drives do also share the same dimensions. So, if your original drive had 8mm and a 8mm ZIF drive does not fit in the case because of the extra space occupied by the adapter, your chances are good that a 5mm drive fits. Note: The latest fashion in hard drives interfaces is called CE-ATA. This is a 18 lines serial ZIF interface and absolutely not compatible. Be aware that some companies, like Samsung, offer both options for some of their drives. So double check that you are buying the PATA version. The Toshiba MK8010GAH, the same drive used as in the iPod 5.5G 80GB, could give trouble, because of strange 1kb block transfers. The current rockbox version includes special code for the iPod 5.5/MK8010GAH combination, as the standard routines failed. The MK8010GAH was tested using the Dealextreme adapter on the Gigabeat F Series, and it does NOT work on those players.Tested drivesThis lists all currently known working configurations.Iriver H140
Gigabeat F10
Gigabeat F40
Incompatible hard drives with ZIF PATA interface
InstallationsIn this chapter various working installations are shown. If you are looking for a specific drive not listed here, just look for a drive with the same physical dimensions. That is fairly easy, as only two form factors do currently exist: 5mm or 8mm height. If your player fits a 8mm drive, any 8mm drive will do. Of course the interface has to be 40 lines PATA ZIF. That was the simple hint. But of course the manufacturers may develop a drive doing some incompatible protocol anytime in the future. This is not very probable, but better check the chapter "compatible hard drives" first. The headers contain this information: Player, hard drive, adapteriRiver H140, Toshiba MK1011GAH (8mm height), ADA-HDD-1.8-ZIF-CF by ES&S Kabel
iRiver H140, Toshiba MK8009GAH (8mm height), dealextreme
Gigabeat F10, Toshiba MK2008GAL (5mm height), dealextreme
r16 - 02 Apr 2021 - 20:46:07 - UnknownUser
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